I'd got a chance going back to my hometown during this last school holiday. As my 'cik abang' was very busy on those dates, so, I had to move on with my children and my mom in law as well.. (my m.i.l is a Muar origin..)..
I thought to drive around Muar town on the same day, but alas! I drove too slow because of the heavy rain occurred from Seremban till Simpang Ampat. Therefore, I should find some other days..
I thought too to call Ijan, just to see her for a while, but I was too tired and just fell asleep when I reached my mak's house.
You know what I longed to go if I am in Muar?? That's Tanjung Ketapang! The best memory ever I experienced at that place..Manakan tidak, whenever I went home with my cik abang, he refused to go there.. 'Mana ada apa-apa kat situ? Panas aje.." .. My cik abang memang putera lilin sikit...hehe
This is the time of the high tides. If not, you can see mud skippers peeping on you ...
Actually, there were several big trees grew at the side of the walking path before.. Then, some were fallen and some other trees were planted.. I don't really know the name of the tree but my mak said its name is 'pokok pelir kambing'..Sounds odd, right? hahaha.. My mak said that, the plant got its name because of the fruit and it's been told that the fruits can be used to kill cats.. That's awful! It just steps on the fruit and the cat dies.. Wahhh..that's so simple! Luckily I didn't test it on my neighbour's cat ( that always made stealing fish on my mak's sink as a hobby)....
The path along the Muar River bank.. The "cats' murderer" trees are grown along the path..
There are two trees which stand still after more than 20 years.. They have been providing shelter to the Tanjung Ketapang's visitors for that long..
I have sweet memory of those trees.. If you look closely, you can see that there is a branch at the lower part of the tree that had been removed. That was the branch that I used to sit after jogging (actually running away from a routine of just jogging around the hostel).. with my friends for hours before we turned back to our hostel.. We talked, laughed, sang..hahaha.. a lot..
That was my sweetest memory of it! When I got back here, I told my cik abang about it.. He just kept quiet...It's like he's been saying.. "Haa? Is that what you call exciting?" Hahaha....
Adham and Najwan are trying to climb up the tree.. Heyy.. Tried so hard to be as agile as their mom at that moment..
Golf field beside the river.. Hot but breezy....
There's a chalet by the riverside...!
It was totally a satisfaction for me after waiting for years to come here.. It's good if cik abang were there with us to enjoy this morning beauty of Tanjung Ketapang.. One day, InsyaAllah.....
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Terpana kejap aku bila baca cerita tu kelmarin..
Antara percaya dan tidak.. tapi percaya lebih la..
bila aku ketahui aktres pojaan aku dolu-dolu...
Cik Elizabeth Taylor dah pun meninggalkan alam ini dalam usia yang masih muda, 79 tahun.. (belum 80 kan?)
Sama macam aku terima berita kematian Michael Jackson 2 tahun lalu..
Tapi cara Michael lebih tragik dan sehari sebelum tu aku menyambut harijadi aku yang ke 16..(?)..
Hang nak kutuk, kutuk la... Tapi masa aku kecik2 dulu, aku siap buat buku skrap penuh gambo MJ dan Elizabeth Taylor.. 2 buah lagi.. Tak percaya, tanya member baik aku, Nora Adli..
Kebetulan banyak foto diorang berdua.. Memang rapat sungguh la rasanya...Macam Linda Onn n Fahrin dulu2..gamaknya...
Bila aku kantoi kat mak n mak jumpa buku tu,harta kesayangan aku tu telah diperigi butakan..huk huk.. Masa tu aku stay kat hostel ... Mak ambik kesempatan pegi mengemas masa aku tak de..Bila aku tanya..
'Why, mak? Why? Tell me why?'
Mak naikkan bulu kening berserta dengan buku lima ..
Siap dia sound lagi...
'If u keep hadith ke, History of Malaya ke, or stories of the prophets.. worthy le jugak.. What the hell is that? No benefit langsung!!!!"
Wahh.. Itu my mak sudah speaking German..
So, aku cuma terkedu jap.. Harapan nak tunjukkan koleksi a.k.a masterpiece aku pada anak cucu berkecai sudah....
Tapi aku redha..
Nasib baik buku tu dah tak de... ada hikmahnya jugak..
Antara percaya dan tidak.. tapi percaya lebih la..
bila aku ketahui aktres pojaan aku dolu-dolu...
Cik Elizabeth Taylor dah pun meninggalkan alam ini dalam usia yang masih muda, 79 tahun.. (belum 80 kan?)
Sama macam aku terima berita kematian Michael Jackson 2 tahun lalu..
Tapi cara Michael lebih tragik dan sehari sebelum tu aku menyambut harijadi aku yang ke 16..(?)..
Hang nak kutuk, kutuk la... Tapi masa aku kecik2 dulu, aku siap buat buku skrap penuh gambo MJ dan Elizabeth Taylor.. 2 buah lagi.. Tak percaya, tanya member baik aku, Nora Adli..
Kebetulan banyak foto diorang berdua.. Memang rapat sungguh la rasanya...Macam Linda Onn n Fahrin dulu2..gamaknya...
Bila aku kantoi kat mak n mak jumpa buku tu,harta kesayangan aku tu telah diperigi butakan..huk huk.. Masa tu aku stay kat hostel ... Mak ambik kesempatan pegi mengemas masa aku tak de..Bila aku tanya..
'Why, mak? Why? Tell me why?'
Mak naikkan bulu kening berserta dengan buku lima ..
Siap dia sound lagi...
'If u keep hadith ke, History of Malaya ke, or stories of the prophets.. worthy le jugak.. What the hell is that? No benefit langsung!!!!"
Wahh.. Itu my mak sudah speaking German..
So, aku cuma terkedu jap.. Harapan nak tunjukkan koleksi a.k.a masterpiece aku pada anak cucu berkecai sudah....
Tapi aku redha..
Nasib baik buku tu dah tak de... ada hikmahnya jugak..
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Zaman Sekolah La Pulak...
Masa aku tengah menggembur-gembur isi perut gobok buruk mak, tiba-tiba terjumpa le beberapa barang.. Kalau aku balik kampung memang gitu le kerja aku.. Menyelongkar... Sampai mak dah boring dan bakar barang2 yang dia rasa tak guna dah..(tapi pada aku penuh dengan 'sentimental value').. 'Menyemak mata aje..', kata mak.. hehe
Ada le beberapa barang, termasuklah surat-surat cinta yang tak jadi.. hahaha
Tapi tu tak payah la tunjuk..
Yang ni, aku nak tunjuk.. Masa ni aku nak ambik SRP le gamaknya, sebab aku jumpa dalam buku Matematik Moden SRP..

Aku ingat benda ni aku ambik dari magazine member aku, RSVP yang teramat sangat le popular masa tu, magazine from US tu.. Mana tah dia dapat, aku baca je..
Yang 'best', artiste pojaan masa tu.. Tu yang tak tahan, mau ketawa guling2 tu...

However, surely.. one of unforgettable memories...
Ada le beberapa barang, termasuklah surat-surat cinta yang tak jadi.. hahaha
Tapi tu tak payah la tunjuk..
Yang ni, aku nak tunjuk.. Masa ni aku nak ambik SRP le gamaknya, sebab aku jumpa dalam buku Matematik Moden SRP..

Aku ingat benda ni aku ambik dari magazine member aku, RSVP yang teramat sangat le popular masa tu, magazine from US tu.. Mana tah dia dapat, aku baca je..
Yang 'best', artiste pojaan masa tu.. Tu yang tak tahan, mau ketawa guling2 tu...

However, surely.. one of unforgettable memories...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sometimes People Just Don't Care........
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Cuti sekolah datang lagi!!!
Seronok lah murid-murid.. termasuk cikgu-cikgi sekali..
Masa ni lah nak berehat sekejap..daripada mengadap muka cikgu..
However, buku tak boleh miss out...
Sebabnya, everytime there's school holiday.. cikgu akan 'membekalkan' makanan yang paling sedap.......
Kerja rumah!

Jangan tak buat atau buat-buat lupa buat.. Haaa...Nanti time cikgu tanya dalam kelas, apa mau jawab?..

Tu yang keluar le dialog-dialog...
'Dah bagi kerja masa cuti, apa awak buat?'
'Apa? Homework tak siap?' Berapa lama cuti? Sejam? Setengah hari? 5 minit?"
'Buku kamu tertinggal di rumah, siapa baca? Kucing?"
dan macam-macam lagi, dik...
Macam mana nak mengelakkan dialog ini berlaku? Lu fikirlah sendiri!
Seronok lah murid-murid.. termasuk cikgu-cikgi sekali..
Masa ni lah nak berehat sekejap..daripada mengadap muka cikgu..
However, buku tak boleh miss out...
Sebabnya, everytime there's school holiday.. cikgu akan 'membekalkan' makanan yang paling sedap.......
Kerja rumah!
Jangan tak buat atau buat-buat lupa buat.. Haaa...Nanti time cikgu tanya dalam kelas, apa mau jawab?..
Tu yang keluar le dialog-dialog...
'Dah bagi kerja masa cuti, apa awak buat?'
'Apa? Homework tak siap?' Berapa lama cuti? Sejam? Setengah hari? 5 minit?"
'Buku kamu tertinggal di rumah, siapa baca? Kucing?"
dan macam-macam lagi, dik...
Macam mana nak mengelakkan dialog ini berlaku? Lu fikirlah sendiri!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
to say anything to the guard at the post...
to smile at the policemen during a road block...
to laugh at my own joke.. (it was really a funny joke, indeed..)
to walk..(even to the loo..)
to give way during traffic..
to reply a message ..(by..celcomoffer..)
to look at the traffic lights (is it red? green? or yellow?..)
to switch on the light....as the lights are already on..
to get a letter from the postman... (it's a cheque inside, silly!)
to get angry when someone talked so loud on phone..
to feel disgust when someone didn't pull the flush....
to look at you...whoever you are..
to listen... to any comment of this morning's match!!!
I AM SO SAD.............
to say anything to the guard at the post...
to smile at the policemen during a road block...
to laugh at my own joke.. (it was really a funny joke, indeed..)
to walk..(even to the loo..)
to give way during traffic..
to reply a message ..(by..celcomoffer..)
to look at the traffic lights (is it red? green? or yellow?..)
to switch on the light....as the lights are already on..
to get a letter from the postman... (it's a cheque inside, silly!)
to get angry when someone talked so loud on phone..
to feel disgust when someone didn't pull the flush....
to look at you...whoever you are..
to listen... to any comment of this morning's match!!!
I AM SO SAD.............
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dia ingat tak boleh kalah..rupa2 nyeee...
Malas sebetulnya nak komen pasal MU kena bedal dengan Chelsea .. Nanti ada hati2 yang terluka..
( second goal by Lampard via penalty kick..gol yg menyebabkan MU fans terguling2 kesedihan)
Tapi yang pastinya, si 'hardcore fan' MU tu dah lama tak nampak muka... Mana dia sembunyi le agaknya... kihkihkih
( second goal by Lampard via penalty kick..gol yg menyebabkan MU fans terguling2 kesedihan)
Tapi yang pastinya, si 'hardcore fan' MU tu dah lama tak nampak muka... Mana dia sembunyi le agaknya... kihkihkih
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Tinggal Kenangan
Tengah drive tadi, tiba-tiba terdengar lagu ni.. Channel apa ntah, lupa lak.. Eh! Sedap gak lagu ni... Macam pernah dengo, tapi kat mana yek... Ahh! Malas nak ingat....
Nothing personal.. just for listening pleasure...
Nothing personal.. just for listening pleasure...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Teacher Arsenal..
Ada banyak cara berkomunikasi..bukan sekadar menggunakan perkataan, even aku belajar sesuatu.. Children learn from observations...
Maka secara tiba-tiba. salah seorang murid aku yang cute macam Ki Bum (sapa ni?),

(ohh.. ni ke Ki Bum..)
....panggil aku sebab tak tahu nak susun ayat nak bagi a bit impressive, I guess..
Punya le lama dia lambai kat aku tapi, so sorry..I did not notice him. First, aku tengah entertain satu group tu, then secondly, dia tu kecik la amat...
After couples of minutes, agaknya, dia dah lost dia punya temper.. Terus dia panggil aku " Teacher Arsenal!' I cannot put the words correctly la, teacher..'
Gelak aje aku... Mula-mula jadi Cikgu Morni..

Ni dah jadi Teacher Arsenal la pulak...
P/S Moral of the story, jangan jadikan logo team bolasepak anda sebagai laptop cover..alahaiii
Maka secara tiba-tiba. salah seorang murid aku yang cute macam Ki Bum (sapa ni?),
(ohh.. ni ke Ki Bum..)
....panggil aku sebab tak tahu nak susun ayat nak bagi a bit impressive, I guess..
Punya le lama dia lambai kat aku tapi, so sorry..I did not notice him. First, aku tengah entertain satu group tu, then secondly, dia tu kecik la amat...
After couples of minutes, agaknya, dia dah lost dia punya temper.. Terus dia panggil aku " Teacher Arsenal!' I cannot put the words correctly la, teacher..'
Gelak aje aku... Mula-mula jadi Cikgu Morni..

Ni dah jadi Teacher Arsenal la pulak...
P/S Moral of the story, jangan jadikan logo team bolasepak anda sebagai laptop cover..alahaiii
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