Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Komen sendiri kat fb..

Mengada2 aje Sergio Aguero meng'goal'..and menjadi 'culprit' yang menyebabkan gunners tersingkir dr Carling Cup..Lepas ni tunggu le le giliran Manchester United kena belasah dgn adik kesayangan dia ni.. Liverpool ingat dia terrer sangat dapat rendam Chelsea 2-0..Kena balun jugak dgn Mancester City nanti.. Percaya la cakap aku.. Oleh sebab itu, semua tolong benci Manchester City macam aku...:DDD

Sunday, November 27, 2011

To Reach The Sun, I have To Suffer A Few Blisters...

I am in love with you..
But I know I can't have you..

I miss you every time..
But I know you can't be mine..

I see you in a glance..
But to hold you once, is the only chance..

What am I gonna do?

Sleeping tight?.. Appetite?
 I think of you day and night..
Just to have you by my side...
But, do I have the right..?

I wish one day.. You are here..
And you'll be mine forever..

New Sony Ericsson Xperia arc S!


p/s Title tak related langsung dengan entry..

Blogwalking! Blogwalking!

Pagi-pagi dah mem'blog walking' ke blog2 favourite aku terutama Hilang Punca -Firdaus Abdillah Pipiyapong.. Kenapa ye? Sebab utama, dia peminat the Gunners n Search..Macam aku jugak.. Then, bahasa dia lawak n santai sangat..Sometimes, a bit harsh.. Tapi boleh mengundang gelak....
Namun ada segelintir bloggers yang guna bahasa yang santai sangat sampai terkeluar perkataan yang aku pun tak berani nak pakai... Contohnya, celaka, f***, s***, b*** dan macam-macam lagi, dik..Mula-mula baca, memang lawak, tapi kalau dah guna banyak kali, rasa something odd pulak...


 Muharram began at sunset on Saturday, 26 November 2011, and ends at sunset on Monday, 26 December 2011..

 "Persefahaman Asas Perpaduan Ummah"- That's this year's theme... Hmm..Do we always need themes?

Lots of things to be considered..such as,closed the old book and begin this new year with a new book.. I guess the old one was so old..Sebagai golongan orang awam yang so ordinary, there were perhaps lots of crosses compared to the ticks... And I should do a lot of corrections because I could not redo to what had happened or to what mistakes I'd done.

I know I am not so good and not so 'eligible' in writing something religious, but as a Muslim, that is one of the most important months of the Hijriah calender and to celebrate its arrival is something routine and delighted to be done.

When I was a little girl, I thought there were only five Hijriah months which were Muharram , as it is the mark of the new year, then Rabiul Awwal, the month of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s birth date, then Ramadhan as we have to be fasting, Syawal..of course enjoying myself on Hari Raya Puasa and the last one was Zulhijjah ..see, the other Eid is in this month..
As I grew bigger (not older..hahaha), I figured out that there were other 7 months..I learned that it was just like 'bulan orang puteh". We also have twelve months actually..haha.. I felt funny and the most feeling was... I was so silly!
                                                       (Credit to muhassigns.blogspot.com)

By the way, I am not that silly anymore..Maybe I am, in certain parts...

Selamat Menyambut Awal Muharram 1433 Hijriah, my friends!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Late in the afternoon, I got an SMS.. And who's the sender? There was only a phone number appeared on the screen. Beginning with the clause;"..there's a shadow hanging over me..."I could slightly think of the Beatles' Yesterday. The sender might know I love this song very much..as it was this blog's 'official' song, however for the interference, then I let it off....

Just for listening pleasure....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

BERAPA 'A' DAPAT? How many A's You Got?

UPSR telahpun diumumkan pada tarikh keramat 17 November 2011. Seperti biasa, seawal pagi ibu bapa telah menanti dengan sabar, ada juga separuh sabar dan ada yang tak sabar langsung untuk mengetahui keputusan UPSR.
Actually, that was a bit rumble mumble day. Our Hari Anugerah Cemerlang was on the same day as well as the RM100 giveaway for Year 6 parents.
As I was the emcee it was quite a bound up, juggling up and down, running from class to the hall..But it was okay because all my 6 Murni parents were okay and so.... everything was okay lah....

Cipta sejarah, my students from the last class got 3As and 2Bs..Quite impressive.. Five of them passed in all subjects and the other one was almost fainted for she thought she would be doomed. Alas..she wasn't!
And I 'congratulated' her for putting so low expectation on herself and her own effort.. But, hey..that was not their fault.. many people think if you are in the last class you will get nothing.. They proved that thought was WRONG!..and I was proud of them..
This is Daniel Hakeem..From 6 Murni who achieved 3As and 2Bs.. Cute tak?

So, last words..Congratulations to those with 5As and to the rest.. life is a long journey, babe.. Go on!
5As Achievers.. Well Done!