Sunday, April 24, 2016

"Special Branch"

Kenapa tiba-tiba aku terasa nak tulis pasal SB.. or Special Branch .. alaa..yang spy-spy tu...

Dulu-dulu aku ingat zaman kes DSAI,  nama SB ni popular.. Rasa-rasanya hari-hari jadi topik perbincangan. Dua tiga menjak ni pun ada jugak...Nak cakap benda-benda yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu semasa kat mana-mana..hatta dalam toilet pun kena hati-hati.. Mana la taukan.. dalam seloroh-seloroh, ter'misunderstanding' pulak..
Karang didengar si SB, mau satu batalion datang ambush rumah.. :D

Tu okay la jgk.. Diberi gaji untuk jadi spy..

Macamana dengan spy yang dahlah tak de gaji jadi SB, tak bertauliah lagi..?
Kiranya macam syok sendiri la... :D

Untuk SB yang macam di atas tu, cukup-cukup la mengadu domba..

Jenuh nanti merangkak mintak ampun kat akhirat ... :\


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Iklan yang Tak Jemu Ditonton

Kat screen TV Masjid Saidina Ali


' Usah berkecil hati bila orang lain salah faham terhadap kita;
  Kerana Allah SWT faham isi hati kita.

  Usah gusar bila orang menghukum kita;
  Kerana Allah SWT ialah sebaik-baik HAKIM..'

..berulang-ulang dan aku tidak jemu-jemu membacanya...

Semoga Allah SWT mengampuni dosa-dosa kami..


Sunday, April 10, 2016


Peristiwa kertas soalan Ujian Bulanan 1 memang 'win' la bagi awal-awal tahun ni.

There're some issues lingering in my mind and they might take some time for acceptance.


Nak set question papers bukan play-play ye... That involves human ye.. Humans and Life..

The parents and the children's future undertaking....

It's a serious matter...It's the global issue..

Again, I say.. Don't play-play..

The Greatest Revenge is Massive Success

It's quite long that I did not post an entry because it was kind of reluctant to even notice the existence of this blog. As I wrote this, I was listening to the delegation of Kampung Langsat expressing themselves to the ex-Kedah MB.. Have patience ye Dato'...
Well. That's not the thing I wanna say. Just a bit thought how life can be easily turned up not to what we wanted it to be.. vice-versa..

Yesterday, the team of Choral Speaking of my school managed to get double champion.. which was like a dream.. a looonnngggg dream that came true..

I first stepped to this district which my 'thoughtless' friends mentioned as 'tempat jin bertendang'.. Well.. whatever..(as long I don't have to be mentally sick like her with daily traffic jams).. Bought a house here, forcing me to leave Kuala Lumpur.............

I was with choral speaking teams since I was in KL and I took all my experience to this place. I started in 2004..2005.. each year no excuses for me not to join the competition..2006, maternity matter so I had to slow down..

In 2007, we're given stand ovation, yet I couldn't understand why we couldn't get anyplace.. I was a bit frustrated and once broke down, giving up being a trainer, but someone came and motivated me a lot and I still remember her as one of my idols. I tried my best and in 2008, we managed to get the first runner-up. Not the ultimate goal but I was soooooo proud of my team because those were the same people who shared my agony in 2007.

2009 was the final year of being a trainer. I was tired and my efforts to find my 'apprentice' weren't fulfilled. My 'idol' moved to the other school, then I gave in in 2010 for I was expecting and I tried again in the next year but 'we had no budget left..' (as stated by the authority) so we had to withdraw from the competition.... after a month of training..
At some moment I thought I didn't have anyone to support me..
I quit.........

 After 6 years.. Someone approached me and 'signed up' for the task. This high-spirited young fellow started tremendously brilliant but we had slipped a bit from luck. The judging criteria were questioned. We're told not to do that.. This rule.. that regulation...
Shouldn't English be fun?

This year, he tried again even we had a heartrending situation at the early stage.. Yet, positively, new younger team members were added which 'invited' complaints at the very last minutes...

Then.. walla!
Nothing to say...

The District Choral Speaking Champion.
The Best Choral Speaking Conductor...